Sabja Seeds Recipe: (Basil Seeds) Cleanse and Hydrate Naturally

Snacks Recipes

Sabja Seeds Recipe: India is blessed with a plethora of herbs and spices, yet often, some don’t receive the recognition they deserve. One such indigenous ingredient is Sabja Seeds, also known as Sweet Basil Seeds. These seeds are commonly referred to as Falooda Seeds in India, as they are a key ingredient in the popular dessert-drink Falooda. Despite their numerous health benefits, Sabja Seeds are still underutilized in Indian cuisine. In this post, I’ll share some tips, tricks, and benefits of these super seeds, hoping to encourage more people to incorporate them into their diets.

About Sabja Seeds:

Much like how flax seeds and chia seeds gained popularity in recent years, Sabja Seeds are currently trending. These seeds, also known as Sweet Basil Seeds in English, have distinct characteristics that set them apart from similar-looking chia seeds.

It’s important to note that Sabja Seeds are different from chia seeds. In India, Sabja Seeds are popular, particularly because of their presence in the beloved dish, falooda.

In addition to Falooda Seeds, other local Indian names for Sabja Seeds include Tukmaria.

These nutrient-rich seeds come from the sweet basil plant and are commonly used in various beverages, including falooda, sharbats, and milkshakes.

While Sabja Seeds themselves are bland and tasteless, they add texture and nutrition to dishes.

Refreshing Indian summer beverages like Jigarthanda, Shikanji (Nimbu Pani), Rooh Afza, and Nannari Syrup often feature Sabja Seeds.

In this post, I’ll demonstrate the easiest and simplest way to use Sabja Seeds. Essentially, you just need to soak the cleaned seeds in water for about 20 to 30 minutes.

Once soaked, these seeds become translucent and develop a gelatin-like coating, making them suitable for use in coolers, beverages, mocktails, sharbets, ice creams, kulfi, falooda, and more.

Benefits of Sabja Seeds:

  • Sabja Seeds, also known as sweet basil seeds, resemble chia seeds and offer a wide range of impressive health benefits:
  • Rich in iron, calcium, and magnesium, Sabja Seeds promote better muscle activity, bone health, and blood cell production.
  • These seeds are packed with soluble fiber, aiding in satiety, improved bowel movements, and prevention of constipation.
  • Upon soaking in water, Sabja Seeds swell up and form a gel-like covering, which slows down the absorption of sugars. This can be beneficial for individuals with type-2 diabetes, as it prevents sudden spikes in blood sugar levels.
  • Sabja Seeds are excellent sources of essential Omega-3 acids, possessing anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and heart-healthy properties.
  • They are beneficial for relieving sore throats, respiratory disorders, colds, aiding digestion, inducing a calming effect on the body, and uplifting mood.

Side Effects of Basil Seeds:

  • Despite their numerous health benefits, it’s essential to consume Sabja Seeds in moderation, as they may not suit everyone’s body requirements:
  • Individuals allergic to basil seeds should avoid consuming them.
  • Sabja Seeds may cause bloating in some individuals.
  • People taking blood-thinning medications should avoid Sabja Seeds, as they contain Vitamin K, which promotes blood clotting.
  • Due to their jelly-like texture when soaked, Sabja Seeds pose a choking hazard for babies, young children, and individuals with swallowing difficulties.
  • It’s crucial to consult with a nutritionist before incorporating Sabja Seeds into your diet, especially if you have underlying health conditions or take medications, whether short or long term.

How to Prepare Basil Seeds:

  • Take sweet basil seeds or Sabja Seeds in a bowl. Remove any chaff, husks, or stones that may be present.
  • You can use any desired amount of these sweet basil seeds. In the photo below, I have taken ½ tablespoon of these tiny seeds in a bowl.
  • Pour about ¾ to 1 cup of water over the seeds.
  • The seeds will quickly begin to absorb the water.
  • After just 2 minutes of adding water, you’ll notice the seeds have started to swell.
  • Soak the seeds for 20 to 30 minutes. Once they have absorbed the water, a translucent gelatin-like coating will form around them.
  • Strain the soaked seeds and use them in drinks, coolers, sherbets, ice creams, falooda, or kulfis.
  • Make sure to add enough water to prevent the seeds from becoming lumpy as they swell. They will only absorb as much water as needed, so you can add extra water to avoid lump formation.
  • Any leftover soaked basil seeds can be refrigerated and will keep well for 1 to 2 days.


  • ½ tablespoon sweet basil seeds (sabja seeds), or as needed
  • ¾ to 1 cup water, for soaking


  • Take the sweet basil seeds in a bowl. Remove any chaff, husks, or stones that may be present.
  • Alternatively, you can rinse them in a small fine strainer.
  • Pour water over the seeds, ensuring you add enough water. This prevents the soaked seeds from becoming lumpy as they start to swell. Remember, the seeds will only absorb as much water as they require, so you can add extra water to prevent lump formation.
  • The sweet basil seeds will soon begin absorbing water.
  • Allow them to soak for 20 to 30 minutes. Once they have absorbed the water, a translucent gelatin-like coating will form around them.
  • Strain the soaked sweet basil seeds and use them in drinks, coolers, sherbets, ice creams, falooda, or kulfi.
  • Any leftover soaked sweet basil seeds can be refrigerated for 1 to 2 days.


In conclusion, Sabja Seeds Recipe, or sweet basil seeds, are a nutritious and versatile ingredient that offers a plethora of health benefits. From promoting muscle and bone health to aiding digestion and controlling blood sugar levels, these seeds have earned their place in Indian cuisine. However, it’s essential to consume them in moderation and be mindful of any potential side effects. With proper preparation and incorporation into various dishes, Sabja Seeds can be a valuable addition to a healthy diet.

FAQs about Sabja Seeds Recipe

Q: Are Sabja Seeds the same as chia seeds?

A: No, Sabja Seeds, also known as sweet basil seeds, are different from chia seeds. They have distinct characteristics and are commonly used in Indian cuisine, particularly in dishes like falooda.

Q: How long should Sabja Seeds be soaked before consumption?

A: Sabja Seeds should be soaked in water for about 20 to 30 minutes until they develop a gel-like coating. This helps them swell and become suitable for consumption.

Q: Can Sabja Seeds be consumed by individuals with diabetes?

A: Yes, Sabja Seeds may be beneficial for individuals with type-2 diabetes as they slow down sugar absorption due to their gel-like coating. However, moderation is key, and consultation with a healthcare professional is recommended.

Q: Are there any side effects of consuming Sabja Seeds?

A: While Sabja Seeds offer numerous health benefits, some individuals may experience bloating or allergic reactions. People on blood-thinning medications should also avoid Sabja Seeds due to their Vitamin K content.

Q: How can Sabja Seeds be incorporated into the diet?

A: Sabja Seeds can be added to various beverages such as falooda, sherbets, and smoothies. They can also be used in desserts like kulfi or sprinkled over salads and yogurt for added texture and nutrition.

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